sábado, 3 de maio de 2008
Posted by
Cat,Larya, Phallan, Anyelle
quinta-feira, 1 de maio de 2008
Our nature
An old woman walking through the winter landscape to her cottage, found a snake near death and frozen on the ground. Though she knew that it was a dangerous animal, she knew she couldn’t simply let it die. So although she was afraid, she picked it up, and took it home with her. She set it in a warm basket by the fire, and cared for it. When the snake awoke, it thanked her for her hospitality. The woman was glad to have someone to talk to, because she lived alone and it was always so quiet. The snake was weak, but seemed to like talking to her as well. She became more and more fond of the snake, as the snake gradually recovered. One day, she reached down to take him out of the basket to feed him, and the snake bit her. In shock, she dropped him, and the snake started sliding for the door. ‘ How could you bite me after all I’ve done for you?’ the woman cried out, feeling betrayed. ‘ You should have remembered what I am. I bit you because I am a snake. It is my nature’, said the snake, as he slithered away.
Posted by
Cat,Larya, Phallan, Anyelle
Lethe river
“Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess... And on the other side of the world, there lived a thief, who was very poor... one day, this thief sneaked into the golden palace to steal, but accidentally met this princess...No one has ever understood the princess like the thief... he understood all her sorrow, he comforted her, healing the scars of her heart bit by bit... Her gentleness also soothed the thief. They fell in love... So deeply...But they could never be together, because they knew nobody will ever approve of a marriage between them, and the princess couldn't leave her family and friends back in the palace...The thief didn't want the princess to sacrifice everything for him, because he regretted the path he chose... though it was too late to turn back... So one night... he led the princess to a beautiful river , the river was the Lethe... river of forgetfulness... after drinking this water, the princess forgot everything at once... including this person who she once deeply loved...But after a few years, the princess found a prince who loved her very much... and they lived happily ever after...and the princess never saw the thief again...
and never got her memories back...To her, the thief never existed perhaps it is better this way..."
Posted by
Cat,Larya, Phallan, Anyelle
Abstrata ilusão
Que partido escolhes tu? O lado da água ou o lado do espelho? A superfície fina da água ou a superfície sólida de um espelho? O que os separa? E se nós quisermos cruzar esse obstáculo, para o outro lado? O vidro quebra-se com um ruído, e a reflexo é destruído para sempre. A água quebra-se em ondas, mas volta-se sempre a juntar, e a reflexo é preso para sempre. Por que é que é assim tão difícil, tocar em algo que é suposto ser um? Será por eles serem assim tão diferentes?
A reflexão é somente uma ilusão que não pode ser tocada. A coisa real está demasiado longe para se tocar. Será que o desejo pode ser alcançado?
Posted by
Cat,Larya, Phallan, Anyelle
A True
play dough
you can shape
and remold them
to fit your needs
and when you are bored
you can crush them
and start all over again.
Posted by
Cat,Larya, Phallan, Anyelle
A song
Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack, all dressed in black black black, she had a knife knife knife, stuck in her back back back, she could not scream scream scream, she could not cry cry cry, that's why she begged begged begged, she begged to die die die
Posted by
Cat,Larya, Phallan, Anyelle
I'm Not Okay
But the pages are all torn and frayed
But you really need to listen to me
Because I'm telling you the truth
I mean this, I'm okay!
Trust me
I'm not okay
Posted by
Cat,Larya, Phallan, Anyelle